Sunday, September 26, 2010


So this weekend to get away or just procrastinate on assignments I will eventually have to begin I took the mini tour around Philly. Granted Philly is a small scaled city I always manage to get lost in it. The first stop was this diner called Continental which has sorta 70's vibe about it. You can sit at a balcony table which has swing chairs and at the time I thought it would be fun. The tables are far to short to reach you when you sit in the swing chair so the whole meal was me leaning to reach the table. Also someone told me that when you order well it does not mean well done, for something to be well done you have to say well done. I only ordered my burger well and it had a touch of pink in it. Not enough pink to stop me from enjoying the bacon cheesiness of it but I just thought it was odd.

After that I headed to the Cleopatra showing at the museum, it was mostly adults as all the kids went to the more interesting parts like the fog machines. I also had to shut my eyes a few times at the IMAX showing, it made me feel all sorts of dizzy and now you know why I refuse to go on roller coasters.

Then it was off home but not before stopping by for some frozen yogurt which was refreshing since it was about 90 out and I had walked a few miles.

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